To post
one of these old smileys into the new shoutbox,
post this link:
= name of smiley below
0I3mowz |
0wned |
200 |
2ar15smilie |
2hammers |
3some |
69 |
7jumpers |
a |
ablow |
afro |
agree |
alcoholic |
alien |
aliensmile |
all |
allhail |
almostblue |
angel |
angry |
angryfire |
annoyed |
anon |
ar15firing |
arcadefreak |
arg |
argue |
argue2 |
argue3 |
asian |
asianshooting |
ass2mouth |
aussie |
azzangel |
baby |
bacon |
badass |
badboy |
badger |
badhairday |
badmood |
badteeth |
baghead |
bah |
baldy |
banana |
banana2 |
bananabang |
bananafinger |
bananna2 |
band |
banghead |
banned |
barf |
barf2 |
barforama |
basint |
bath |
batman |
bawl |
bawling |
bawling2![]() |
bday |
bday2 |
bday3 |
bdaybiggrin |
beard |
beatu |
bed |
beer |
beerchug |
begood |
behead |
bendover |
benetton |
beret |
bicycle |
bigclap |
bigcry |
bigcrying |
bigeek |
bigeyes |
biggrin |
biggrin2 |
biggrinbounce2 |
biggrinq |
biglaugh |
bignoser |
bignoserup |
bignosewinks |
bignosewinksup |
bigrazz |
bigthink |
bigthumbdown |
bigthumbup |
bigvangry |
biker |
birthday |
bitchandmoan |
bitchslapcum |
bj |
blackbat |
blah |
blahblah |
blastem |
blinkeyes |
blobblue |
blobfirey |
blobred |
blockhead |
blomster |
blow_2 |
blowjob |
bluefrown |
bluepaw |
blues |
blueteamenforcer |
bluewinky |
blush |
blush2 |
blush3 |
blush4 |
bomb |
bomb1 |
bonk |
boobies |
bootyshake |
borg |
borg1 |
borgdrone |
bounceglass |
bounceit |
bouncemulti |
bow |
bow2 |
bowdown |
bowser |
boxer |
boxingmatch |
broncos |
brownnoser |
bruce_h4h |
brunette |
bs |
bsflag |
buck |
bump |
bump2 |
bunny |
burglar |
burninwithdevil |
buttkick |
bye |
callme |
canada |
carltondance |
cartman |
cat |
catattack |
catdance |
catter |
censored |
censored2 |
chainsaw |
chat |
cheer |
cheering |
chefw |
chekmark |
chicken |
chicken1 |
chickenrun |
chillpill |
Christmaslights |
christmaslights2 |
christmaslightsplug |
chuckle |
clap |
clap1 |
clap2 |
clapping |
cletus |
cloud9 |
clover |
clown |
clowny |
coffeepc |
comeandgetsome |
confused |
confused1 |
confused2 |
confused3 |
confused4 |
console |
cookiemonster |
cool |
cool2 |
cool3 |
cool4 |
cool5 |
coolman |
cop |
cop2 |
corky |
corky2 |
corkysm81 |
couple |
cowboy |
cowsleep |
crackhead |
crap |
crazy |
crazyeyes |
cripple |
crossbonesgif |
crossfingers |
crucified |
cry |
cry2 |
crying |
cuddle |
cum |
cya |
dance |
dance07 |
dancin |
dancing |
dancingbanana |
dancingdog |
dancingkitty |
daz |
dead |
dead2 |
dead3 |
deadshow |
deal |
deer |
detective |
devil |
devil1 |
devil2 |
devilish |
devious |
dgrin |
diablotin |
dick1 |
director |
disagree |
disco |
disgust |
dizzy |
doa |
doctor |
docwatson |
dog |
doh |
dontknow |
donut |
dood |
doublefinger |
draculagodfried |
drevil |
dribble |
drinka |
drinking |
drool |
drums |
drunk |
duckie |
duh |
duh2 |
dumbbitch |
dunce |
eat |
eatme |
edfinger |
eek |
eek1 |
eek2 |
eek3 |
eek4 |
eek5 |
eek6 |
eek7 |
eeky |
egg |
einsteink |
electricguitar |
electriclou |
elephant |
embarassedlaugh |
embarrassed |
erm |
erm-ah |
evil |
evil2 |
evil3 |
evilalien |
evilb |
evilgrin |
ew |
exclaim |
exercise |
eyebrow |
eyecrazy |
eyepopin |
faint |
faint2 |
fairy |
fall |
fart |
farty |
fiberoptic |
fighting |
finger |
finger1 |
fire |
fireball |
fireskull |
fishie |
fishing |
flag |
flakey |
flamed |
flamer |
flamethrower |
flamethrowingsmiley |
flamingo |
flashy |
flowerpower |
flowers |
fonzy |
forkfork |
freak |
freak1 |
freako |
freakon |
froggy |
froman |
frostyh |
frown |
frusty |
fu |
fuckyou |
gangster |
ghgh |
gift |
giggle |
ginsuknife |
girlsgonewild2 |
givemebeer |
glasses |
glowman |
go |
god |
goodhalo |
goofball |
goofy |
goofyfrown |
goofysmile |
gorgeous |
gothdance |
gothic-smiley |
gotmilk |
gotuckyourselfin |
grabass |
greedy |
greenbignosey |
greener |
greentong |
greydot2 |
grim |
grommit |
groundhog |
groundhog2 |
grr |
hair |
hammer |
hamsterdance |
hamsterdj |
hanky |
happyscream |
happywave |
hatter |
headspinner |
help |
help1 |
help3 |
heykoolaid |
hide |
highfive |
homer |
horse |
hot |
houses |
hug |
hug2 |
hyper |
hypnodisk |
idea |
ignore |
jaysilentbob |
jester |
johnnybravo |
kaioken |
karate |
kenny |
keyboard |
kidding |
kings |
kirby |
kiss |
kkk |
knit |
la |
laugh |
laugh2 |
laughcover |
laughpoint |
lightning |
link |
liplick |
lol |
look |
lookaround |
lookaway |
loser |
love |
love2 |
love3 |
loveyou |
luigi |
mad |
madcow |
madred |
madtongueq |
mail |
mario |
marioq |
mccain |
meangreeny |
megadork |
megaeyeroll |
megaman |
missing |
mmser |
mog |
monkeydance |
monkeyeat |
monkeyfinger |
moon2 |
moral |
mozilla |
mrpeepers |
mrt |
mspacman |
needdrugs |
nerd |
nerdy |
nervousy |
neutrals |
no |
no2 |
no3 |
nodoze |
none |
nuke |
numchucks |
nurse |
nuts |
odd |
offtopic |
offtopic2 |
offwall |
oh |
ok |
omg |
oops |
orangeshame |
outta |
owls |
owned |
pacman |
palmtreez |
paranoid |
party |
party2 |
party3 |
party4 |
pattyz |
peace |
penguin |
penguin2 |
penguin3 |
penguin4 |
penguin5 |
penguin6 |
penis |
pig |
pigz |
pikachu |
pikachubye |
pimp |
pimpdaddy |
pinkyz |
pinocchio |
pirate |
pirates |
pistols |
pittdance |
poke |
poo |
popcorn |
popworms |
powerpuff |
praying |
preach |
prego |
presents |
puke |
puke2 |
puke3 |
pukeface |
pumpkin |
pumpkin2 |
punkass |
queen |
question |
quivering |
rainbow |
RainbowBop |
raincloud |
raisin |
rant |
rant2 |
raspberry |
ravens |
razz |
read |
realfrownu |
redface |
redfacey |
redfinger |
redmad |
redtongues |
redwagon |
redx |
rip |
rock |
rofl |
rofl2 |
rofl3 |
roflmbo |
roll |
rolleyes |
rolleyes2 |
rolleyes3 |
rotfl |
sad |
sad2 |
sadpanda |
santasmile |
santasmiley |
santasmilez |
scatter |
shadez |
shake |
shakeno |
shhh |
shocked |
shoot |
shrug |
sigh |
sing |
skeletonfinger |
slap |
sleep |
sleeping |
sleepy |
sm1 |
sm2 |
sm3 |
sm4 |
sm5 |
sm6 |
sm7 |
sm8 |
sm9 |
smash |
smashangry |
smashfighting |
smile |
smile2 |
smilewinkgrin |
smilez |
smilieban |
smokin |
sneeze |
snoopydance |
soapbox |
sonic |
spam |
spam2 |
spammer |
spamsign |
spanking |
spiningdemon |
spiny |
splat |
stan |
starwars |
stewie |
stewie1 |
stewiedance |
sun |
superman |
surprised |
taco |
taco1 |
tears |
tease |
tease2 |
thanks |
thbthb2 |
thesmile |
thumb |
thumbdown |
thumbsup |
tissue |
tntboom |
toilet |
toiletpaper |
tongue |
toothyz |
troll2bob |
turkey |
turkeyride |
tvwatching |
twitch |
twocents2 |
ugh |
uhh |
uk |
umm |
underdog |
unhappy |
upset |
upsideq |
uptosomething |
usa |
uzi |
vampire |
vampireq |
Vomit |
wallbash |
wave |
wave2 |
wavey |
whatever |
whatthehell |
whistle |
whistle2 |
whistleblower |
wink |
wink2 |
wink3 |
wink4 |
wink5 |
wink6 |
winkin |
witch |
witchie |
woohoo |
words |
worship |
wow |
wow2 |
xmarks |
xmasz |
xyxnervous |
yawn |
yawner |
yeah |
yell |
yellowshades |
yes |
yes2 |
yes3 |
yikes |
yikes2 |
yipee |
yo |
yoshi |
yucky |
yum |
yummy |
zap |
zombie |